White Walls Podcast with Steph Lit- Find your "Flow-ductivity"

How do you incorporate cycle syncing into corporate culture? Have you ever noticed that you feel different at work from week to week? Some weeks you’re excited about networking and giving presentations, other weeks you’d rather WFH and organize your invoices. 

If you’re like most women, you probably work in an environment that doesn’t honor your infradian rhythm or give you the freedom to manage your projects in a way that works WITH your body. If you’ve made the courageous leap into entrepreneurship, maybe you don’t know how to make this shift and optimize your productivity. 

Just as our cultural conditioning has us believing that we are supposed to suffer with period problems, it also has us convinced that we are supposed to suffer in every other area of our lives, especially work. So you put your head down, dig in and get the job done- buying into the hyper-productivity ideal that success means working harder, putting in longer hours, and sacrificing your personal life and self-care for the job.

Whether you’re just beginning to figure out what you want to do with your life, climbing the corporate ladder, running your own business, or dealing with the roller-coaster of gig life, you’re likely spread thin. If you’re sacrificing your well-being, you can’t perform your best. 

In this episode of @the.whitewalls podcast, you’ll discover how to align with your cycle at work so you can optimize your workflow, unlock your creative process, and feel energized about your work! Jamie and I talk about the energy in each of the four phases, how to optimize your productivity all month long, we redefine success in a way that feels GOOD, discuss setting boundaries at work and you’ll leave with tips on how to work WITH your body, instead of against it, to achieve a FLOW state.

Episode #36 is LIVE NOW and is available on podcast platforms! LISTEN HERE!

Steph Lit